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1. There’s one item of G。I。gear that can be the difference between life and death。

2. Sure as hell was。

3. nd Reporter: Are you doing this for world peace?

4. We have been through every kind of rain 。 There is little bitty stinging rain , rain that flew in side ways 。 And big old fat rain , to come straight up from undemeath 。

5. 死亡是生命的一部分,是所有人命中註定的事。

6. Yes, and how many times must the cannon balls fly before they’re forever banned?

7. 我不知道我門每個人是否都有各自的命運,或者只是隨意的在風中飄逝但我想或許那都是對的。

8. 阿甘,快跑,快跑……

9. There must be someing can be done。

10. 在你前進前必須先甩掉過去。

11. Stupid is as stupid does。 (蠢人做 蠢事,也可理解為傻人有傻福) /Miracles happen every day。 (奇蹟 每天都在發生)/Death is just a part of life, something we’re all destined to do。(死亡是 生命的一部分,是我們註定要做的一件事)/I don’t know if we each have a destiny, or if we’re all just floating around accidental—like on a breeze。(我不懂我們是 否有著各自的命運,還是隻是到處隨風飄蕩)/Nothing just

12. 每個單詞的首個字母連起來就是LDRSHIP=leadship。美國軍人的七項素質。(全部做到了你就具有leadship了)

13. 我並不聰明,但我知道什麼是愛情。

14. 信守承諾。阿甘信守了承諾,最後也得到了最好的回報。

15. it made me look like a duck in water。

16. 一個人真正需要財富的就那麼一點點,其餘的都是用來炫耀的,正應了中國的古話:縱有廣廈千間,夜眠三尺之地。

17. 你嘴脣怎麼了?

18. “Death is just the part of life。 Something we're all destined to do。 I didn’t know it。 But I was destined to be your Mama。 I did the best I could。”

19. 就這樣,她走了。阿甘一生最愛的人走了,不知該說什麼,一切僅在不言之中,阿甘有一點點的心酸,有一點點的無奈。但是更多的一種感覺是:上帝的存在。

20. His back is as crooked as a politician。

21. 人生就像各種各樣的朱古力,你永遠不會知道那一塊屬於你[]。

22. I don't know if we each have a destiny, or if we're all just floating around accidenta—like on a breeze。

23. jenny and me was like peas and carrots。

24. Jenny:I wish I could've been there with you。

25. Shit happens!(不好的事情發生了)

26. 只有做傻事的人才被稱為傻瓜

27. 我們經歷了各種各樣的雨,毛毛細雨,飄雨,傾盆大雨,從下往上的雨。

28. Furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers。

29. Reporter: Or for animals?

30. 我想不起我第一份聖誕節禮物

31. Dan: what’s wrong with your lips?

32. Jenny: why are you so good to me?

33. 某人的一小步就是人類的一大步。(美國登月宇航員)

34. Forrest: From that day on, if I was going somewhere, I was running!

35. Forrest:Yes。Well,I don't kown。Sometimes it would stop raining long enough for the stars to come out。And then it was nice。It was like just before the sun gose to bed down on the bayou。There was always a million sparkles on the water。Like the mountain lake。It was so clear,Jenny。It looked like there were two skies one on top of the other。And then in the desert,when the sun comes up。I couldn't tell where heaven stopped and the earth began。It was so beautiful。

36. Before they call him a man 才能成為真正的男人

37. 生活就像一盒巧克力,你永遠不知道你會得到什麼!

38. 如果你遇上麻煩,別逞強,跑,遠遠地跑開。

39. Jenny and I was like peas and carrots。(我和珍妮形影不離)

40. Death is just a part of life, something we’re all destined to do。(死亡是 生命的一部分,是我們註定要做的一件事)

41. 從現在開始我們就是一分鐘的朋友,這是事實,你改變不了,因為已經過去了

42. 人生就像一盒各式各樣的巧克力,你永遠不知道下一塊將會是什麼口味。

43. Death is just a part of life, something we're all destined to do。 I didn't know it。 But I was destined to be your momma。 I did the best I could。

44. “你以後想成為什麼樣的人? ”

45. President: Congratulations。 How do you feel?

46. 我不懂我們是否有著各自的命運,還是隻是到處隨風飄蕩。

47. Nobody gives a horse's shit who you are,puss ball。

48. I am a man of my word。

49. 如果你需要,我就在你身邊。

50. 某人的一小步就是人類的一大步



